98.871471315207 100

4,088 reviews since June, 2008

Superior Van & Mobility
(877) 545-1888 ·
Louisville, KY 40223

Consumer Review Summary

4,088 reviews since June, 2008

To Your Success, Inc. is an independent customer satisfaction firm conducting ongoing surveys to verified customers of Superior Van & Mobility. Here are the results to date:

Satisfaction Ratings
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

Survey Question Results

Q: Was everyone at our company helpful and courteous?

4,072 out of 4,086 said yes

Q: Were we able to respond to your needs in a timely manner?

3,911 out of 3,973 said yes

Q: Did the salesperson understand and meet your needs?

3,943 out of 3,969 said yes

Q: (If Applicable) In the event your power door or ramp fails to operate, were you shown how to manually operate your conversion?

1,028 out of 1,050 said yes

Q: Did our personnel fully train you in the proper use of your equipment, including backup procedures?

988 out of 1,020 said yes

Q: Did our personnel fully train you in the proper use of your equipment, including emergency procedures?

585 out of 595 said yes

Q: Was everyone knowledgeable in answering your questions?

105 out of 107 said yes

Q: Would you use our company again and recommend us to others?

4,017 out of 4,042 said yes

Q: Please rate your overall experience with our company.

20 out of 29 gave 5 stars

Q: Did the Service Manager understand and meet your needs?

106 out of 107 said yes

Q: Was your vehicle repaired in a timely fashion?

99 out of 104 said yes

Q: Was the work performed to your satisfaction?

3,920 out of 3,979 said yes