98.880437111635 100

4,144 reviews since June, 2008

Superior Van & Mobility
(877) 545-1888 ยท
Louisville, KY 40223

Consumer Review Summary

4,144 reviews since June, 2008

To Your Success, Inc. is an independent customer satisfaction firm conducting ongoing surveys to verified customers of Superior Van & Mobility. Here are the results to date:

Satisfaction Ratings
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

Survey Question Results

Q: Was everyone at our company helpful and courteous?

4,128 out of 4,142 said yes

Q: Were we able to respond to your needs in a timely manner?

3,966 out of 4,029 said yes

Q: Did the salesperson understand and meet your needs?

3,998 out of 4,024 said yes

Q: (If Applicable) In the event your power door or ramp fails to operate, were you shown how to manually operate your conversion?

1,028 out of 1,050 said yes

Q: Did our personnel fully train you in the proper use of your equipment, including backup procedures?

988 out of 1,020 said yes

Q: Did our personnel fully train you in the proper use of your equipment, including emergency procedures?

585 out of 595 said yes

Q: Was everyone knowledgeable in answering your questions?

105 out of 107 said yes

Q: Would you use our company again and recommend us to others?

4,070 out of 4,095 said yes

Q: Please rate your overall experience with our company.

20 out of 29 gave 5 stars

Q: Did the Service Manager understand and meet your needs?

106 out of 107 said yes

Q: Was your vehicle repaired in a timely fashion?

99 out of 104 said yes

Q: Was the work performed to your satisfaction?

3,974 out of 4,033 said yes