99.683308494784 100

386 reviews since March, 2013

Bay Heating & Cooling
(850) 763-7702 ·
Panama City, FL 32405

Consumer Review Summary

386 reviews since March, 2013

To Your Success, Inc. is an independent customer satisfaction firm conducting ongoing surveys to verified customers of Bay Heating & Cooling. Here are the results to date:

Satisfaction Ratings
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

Survey Question Results

Q: Was everyone at our company helpful and courteous?

385 out of 386 said yes

Q: Were we able to respond to your needs in a timely manner?

385 out of 386 said yes

Q: Did the salesperson understand and meet your needs?

374 out of 375 said yes

Q: Did the technician understand and meet your needs?

9 out of 9 said yes

Q: Was the work performed to your satisfaction?

385 out of 385 said yes

Q: Was the work area left neat and clean?

382 out of 384 said yes

Q: Would you use our company again and recommend us to others?

384 out of 384 said yes

Q: Please rate your overall experience with our company:

364 out of 375 gave 5 stars