97.436241610738 100

414 reviews since September, 2019

Precision Electric
(530) 274-3438 ·
Grass Valley, CA 95949

Consumer Review Summary

414 reviews since September, 2019

To Your Success, Inc. is an independent customer satisfaction firm conducting ongoing surveys to verified customers of Precision Electric. Here are the results to date:

Satisfaction Ratings
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

Survey Question Results

Q: Courtesy and professionalism of our Phone Representatives:

389 out of 415 gave 5 stars

Q: Timeliness in responding to your needs:

355 out of 415 gave 5 stars

Q: Knowledge and expertise of the Salesperson:

388 out of 413 gave 5 stars

Q: Communication and follow-up from the Salesperson:

351 out of 412 gave 5 stars

Q: Courtesy and professionalism of the Installation Team:

382 out of 412 gave 5 stars

Q: Condition of the work area after job completion:

374 out of 413 gave 5 stars

Q: How likely would you be to use our company again?

385 out of 412 gave 5 stars

Q: How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend, colleague or family member?

391 out of 415 gave 5 stars

Q: Courtesy and professionalism of the Service Technician:

2 out of 2 gave 5 stars

Q: Expertise and workmanship of the Service Technician:

2 out of 2 gave 5 stars

Q: Overall experience with the Service Technician:

2 out of 2 gave 5 stars

Q: Please rate your overall experience with our company:

381 out of 412 gave 5 stars