97.278911564626 100

16 reviews since November, 2022

Cornwall Plumbing & Heating
(860) 672-6350 ·
Canaan, CT 06018

Consumer Review Summary

16 reviews since November, 2022

To Your Success, Inc. is an independent customer satisfaction firm conducting ongoing surveys to verified customers of Cornwall Plumbing & Heating. Here are the results to date:

Satisfaction Ratings
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

Survey Question Results

Q: Courtesy and professionalism of our Phone Representatives:

15 out of 16 gave 5 stars

Q: Timeliness in responding to your needs:

12 out of 16 gave 5 stars

Q: Knowledge and expertise of the Salesperson:

4 out of 4 gave 5 stars

Q: Communication and follow-up from the Salesperson:

3 out of 4 gave 5 stars

Q: Courtesy and professionalism of the Installation Team:

4 out of 4 gave 5 stars

Q: Expertise and workmanship of the Installation Team:

4 out of 4 gave 5 stars

Q: Condition of the work area after job completion:

16 out of 16 gave 5 stars

Q: How likely would you be to use our company again?

14 out of 16 gave 5 stars

Q: How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend, colleague or family member?

14 out of 16 gave 5 stars

Q: Courtesy and professionalism of the Service Technician:

12 out of 12 gave 5 stars

Q: Expertise and workmanship of the Service Technician:

12 out of 12 gave 5 stars

Q: Overall experience with the Service Technician:

12 out of 12 gave 5 stars

Q: Please rate your overall experience with our company:

12 out of 15 gave 5 stars